A unique approach
The direct support of established premier OEMs, cooperating within Make Next Platform, to young or emerging OEMs (eOEMs) is unique. These OEMs know from their own experience what it takes to become and stay a successful equipment manufacturer. Therefore, they are better able than others in helping these eOEMs in getting their thing done.
The support of MNP is free of charge for the scale-ups, fully sponsored by the Founding Partners. The expected return is that these young companies will do their utmost to become the promised, brilliant player in the manufacturing industry. The support is provided on demand or offered on the initiative of MNP. The MNP-coach assigned is the linking pin between the young firm and the MNP-partners.
Getting into the MNP’s Virtual Accelerator Program is not easy. Strict entry criteria and monitoring procedures will be applied to secure our “fit” and optimize the change for success.
Every scale-up in the program passed a rigorous selection process. Because only top quality can survive in a global market. Entry criteria
Innovative high tech manufacturing company in The Netherlands
Scaling-up with
working prototype
10+ employees
One or more existing clients
Categories to satisfy: Technology, Market, Management, Finance
Technology readiness level ≥ 7
Global revenue potential
> € 50Million
Since 2016 Make Next Platform worked with the following scale-ups. Portfolio

When companies in the Virtual Accelerator have grown into a situation where they can rely on their own competent, internal staff, boards, and investors, the time has come to become an alumnus.

Being a member
“As a member of the Make Next Platform, you are in the really good company of premier OEM’s and other scale-ups. It is not only a bridge to a world of knowledge and experience of the role models in industry. It is also about connecting to like-minded entrepreneurs who go through similar kind of challenges.”
Paul Leenders
CEO VitalFluid