Thales, Zuidelijke Havenweg 40, Hengelo
MNPX stands for Make Next Platform (MNP) Knowledge Exchange (X), an informal gathering of Accelerator companies and MNP Founders, where experiences, knowledge, and information are being exchanged in a confidential setting. MNP uses this gathering also as a Platform of the Dutch emerging OEMs (eOEMs) to develop joint public affairs initiatives when needed.
09:10: Arrival, coffee.
09:30: Welcome by Lukas Roffel, CTO Thales.

09:40: Intro Moderator Thales.
09:45: Our issues (10 minutes presentations, 5 minutes Q&A):
Tobias Coppejans, COO VSPARTICLE:
- How to best mirror a contractor’s organization?
- Do’s and don’ts in modular system architecture?

Leonard van Bommel, Systems Engineer In Ovo:
- System engineering in a complex multi-disciplinary team?

Wouter Biemans, CTO QuinteQ:
- How to manage a failed delivery of a key component?
10:30: Let’s share our knowledge and experience by Roel Aalbers, Technical Director Above Water Systems & Casper Voogt, Head of Discipline System Engineering, Thales.
Roel Aalbers, Technical Director Above Water Systems.
Casper Voogt, Head of Discipline System Engineering, Thales.
11:20: Break.
11:30: System engineering; some ideas and best practices by Patrick de Jager, Sr Director Research ASML.
11:55: Plenary discussion Virtual Accelerators with MNP Faculty and participants.
12:25: Lunch, speech Gerben Edelijn, CEO Thales.
13:25: LETs Meet (moderated by Fred von Dewall):
Pitch InPhocal by Robert van Tankeren, Founder & CEO.
Pitch Van Wees Innovations by Peter van Wees, Founder & CEO.
14:05: Guided tour Thales premises, closing words Fred von Dewall, Chair MNP.
14:45: Drinks.
15:30: End.
Participants MNPX System Engineering Day
MNP Founders
Patrick de Jager, Sr Director R&D.
Rob van der Werf, Director Public & Private Partnerships.
Peter Berting, Director Global Business Development.
Lester Verhoef, Group Manager Planning & PMO.
Thales NL
Gerben Edelijn, CEO.
Lukas Roffel, CTO.
Roel Aalbers, Technical Director Above Water Systems.
Casper Voogt, Head of Discipline System Engineering.
Frank van Dijck, CTO.
Remko de Lange, Corporate Development & Secretary to the Board.
Bruno van Wijngaarden, System Architect.
Stichting TechnologyRating
Fred von Dewall, Chair STR & MNP.
Virtual Accelerator Companies
- Paul Langerak, CFO.
Eindhoven Medical Robotics
- Jan Poesse, System Architect.
- Chinmay Nemade, Embedded System Design.
In Ovo
- Leonard van Bommel, Systems Engineer.
- Tiemen Dalhuisen, CFO.
- Wil Stutterheim, Co-founder & CTO.
- Wouter Biemans, Co-founder & CTO.
- Polo van Ooij, Co-founder & CTO.
- Tobias Coppejans, COO.
- Tobias Pfeiffer, CTO
External guests
Cees Versteeg, Sales Manager. Van Wees Innovations.
Peter van Wees, Founder & CEO. Van Wees Innovations.
Robert van Tankeren, Founder & CEO. InPhocal.
Mariska Staal, MNP photographer.